Picture of the Day 2012

Picture of the Day: 2012. I try to take at least one picture each day. Sometimes they are exciting, sometimes not so much.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Pinched Nerve

July 13, 2012
In Tuesday's personal training session I managed to get a pinched nerve in my leg. It hurt. I was doing something I'd done before several times, and was in the 2nd round of the exercise when my left leg just started feeling wrong. I tried to continue but it got worse and worse. I had to stop and try to explain to Charles what was going on with it. He had me try some stretches that helped for about five seconds. We had to cut the session short and go back to the stretching tables. He pulled out the RTS (ugh) and tried to loosen things. The original problem felt a little better, but of course now my lower leg felt like one big bruise. My homework was to use the RTS at home and try to stretch my legs.

It took about a week to completely fade.

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