Picture of the Day 2012

Picture of the Day: 2012. I try to take at least one picture each day. Sometimes they are exciting, sometimes not so much.

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Hills Are Alive...

Nov. 21, 2012

Zach's girlfriend Des arrived in town the day before, and the two of us went to the "Sound of Music Sing-along". Our friend Howard gave me two tickets for my birthday, and he and Mike wanted to go golfing that night, so Des agreed to go with me.

Neither of us had any idea what to expect. We received a yellow bag with various items in it when we walked to our seats, and when the two co-hosts of the evening came on stage we were told what was going to happen. Basically it was supposed to be like the "Rocky Horror Picture Show" where the audience yelled things at certain times, and did things with the props in the bag at other times.

After getting these instructions (which let us know they were going to actually play the entire movie), they held a costume parade and contest. The costumed people were a good variety of nuns, Marias, Baronesses, Von Trapp children, and other miscellaneous favorite things. My top two entries were the soloist (who ended up winning) and the group that came as a chord--do (a deer), re (a drop of golden sun), and honestly don't remember the other 2, but it was a cute group costume.

Here's Des sporting her edelweiss in her hair :)

They started the movie at 8:30. It was a DVD projected onto a big screeen. It had all the lyrics to the songs on the bottom of the screen, karaoke-style. Our favorite part was hissing when the baroness came on-screen, but after a couple of hours of that, Des actually started feeling bad for her.

The whole thing was interesting to do once, but boy it was a long night. I was tempted to leave at intermission, but I wanted to count the number of times the soloist bowed :)  (not going to spoil it with the answer). 

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