Picture of the Day 2012

Picture of the Day: 2012. I try to take at least one picture each day. Sometimes they are exciting, sometimes not so much.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Love Bug Season

May 12, 2012

I never knew there was a real bug called "love bug" until we moved to Florida. Near as I can tell they are called love bugs because they find a mate, literally hook up, and stay connected all the time--flying, crawling, whatever--until they die I guess. Twice a year the love bugs are swarming--first in late spring, second usually early fall. They don't bite or anything, and they fly pretty slowly, so you can avoid them or just ignore them for the most part, unless there are so many of them they get in your hair/face/whatnot.

The biggest issue people have with them is that their guts eat through car paint. If you drive during love bug season, your car will have a nice layer of dead love bugs on the front. You have to wash them off or you'll have problems with your paint.

The love bugs were swarming down by Butler Plaza but they did not cooperate with having their pictures taken. I couldn't get a good shot of a big group, so here's one couple on the windshield:

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