Picture of the Day 2012

Picture of the Day: 2012. I try to take at least one picture each day. Sometimes they are exciting, sometimes not so much.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Millhopper State Park

Mar. 29, 2012

My legs were starting to feel normal again, and after doing a lot of sitting in theaters this week I wanted to get out and get more exercise. It was a nice day, so I went to Devil's Millhopper Sinkhole down the street. Initially I planned on only walking the trail around the top of the sinkhole. I didn't think I could manage the stairs down into it. But I was feeling really good and when I got to the top of the stairs I thought I'd just descend a little bit and see how it went. I took a lot of breaks and made it down most of the way. It was a really good day to go. Many birds were singing, there were some other people but not a lot, and the weather was perfect--warm, but not hot. There was enough water falling to be audible, but it wasn't big enough to be seen well. Here's someone else's photo when the water was really flowing.

Here's my photo of some ferns on the steep side of the sinkhole as seen from above on the walkway.

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